Quality is important to any manufacturer. We emphasize quality throughout each step of our manufacturing process. We also strive to be as efficient as possible so we can offer an affordable price to our customers.

MHIPCOR is an ISO 9001 Quality Assured Company

MHIPCOR manufacturing process is controlled by a certified QA system. Various performance functions are tested under stringent procedures for compliance. These are also applied to finished products that grade to clients standards and requirements. At MHIPCOR Quality Control and Assurance Management are monitored by Quality Assurance manager which is achieving the highest industry standards required.

On top of this a post analysis is carried out. Additional “recommendation” guidelines are given to customers, along with additional advisory and cautioning where required. This is the level of service that MHIPCOR extends through its Customer Value delivery that not only meets but exceeds the needs of customers.

Learn More About Our Machining Services

Discover what makes MHIPCOR your best choice for high-quality machine services – regardless of the size or type of your company or your industry. Contact us for more information today.